Metropolitan works towards creating agricultural stability with pilot launch of the Collective Shapers initiative

Metropolitan works towards creating agricultural stability with pilot launch of the Collective Shapers initiative

South Africa is entering an interesting time in its rich historical roadmap and while we face harsh difficulties, there is hope where innovation and creative solutions lie. The Metropolitan Collective Shapers, an initiative aimed at accelerating young people’s passion and skills to the next level was launched in Polokwane as part of the first leg of the programme roll out. The aim of the programme is to uplift communities and hone in on developing existing skills and passions within the agriculture industry and spread knowledge among the youth. 

Many households in Polokwane – 41 867 to be exact – are already involved in agriculture and this presents an opportunity to build on this skill. Instead of swooping in and changing the landscape, so to speak, Metropolitan is using this as an opportunity for fun and interactive ways of sharing knowledge within the community and taking the people’s lead, formulating solutions from within so that it is sustainable and suitable for the local environment to flourish. 

Through the Collective Shapers initiative, Metropolitan aims to uplift the youth through knowledge, skills, and enabling a sustainable future for them to reach their goals. Tapping into already established local practices and introducing a training programme, the hope is to instil generational knowledge as well as introducing new ways of agricultural development, farming, and running an agricultural business. By garnering the already present passion that people in the area have for agriculture, Polokwane is a prime area to begin this exciting journey.

The initiative in Polokwane, in conjunction with Agri Enterprises includes post-course support for when attendees leave the classroom and begin working. The programme runs over nine weeks and involves nine modules that will enable young people in Polokwane to better navigate the agricultural industry and boost both farming and the employment market. The course includes nine modules on the Introduction to Agri-business and a more in-depth six-module look at vegetable and avocado production, which is a specialisation for the area specifically. There is sustainability knowledge being introduced in the form of permaculture and upcycling resources.  

Metropolitan wishes to see these communities flourish and hopes to impact job creation, and better the lives of people in the area through farming and knowledge that can be passed down generation to generation. The people of Polokwane are already doing so much in feeding the nation so our wish for them is to see them become farming leaders. In this way, Metropolitan has said “together we can” in a much bigger way than ever before.

Metropolitan CEO Peter Tshiguvho says, “This initiative is close to our hearts here at Metropolitan because it’s not about tossing money at a problem in the hopes that it will fix itself. It’s about giving people the tools to create long-lasting and sustainable opportunities that can then become part of the natural cycle of knowledge and the business landscape in Polokwane and beyond.” 

He adds, “That old saying of ‘give a man a fish and he can eat for a day; but teach a man to fish and he can feed himself for a lifetime’ is true. When you equip people with knowledge, you empower them to take charge of their futures and that’s what this Collective Shapers initiative aims to do.” 

Youth living in the Capricorn District between the ages of 18 to 34 and are already involved in agricultural businesses are encouraged to apply at

Metropolitan is committed to education, development, and social betterment in our country. We believe that together we can build a better future. As a brand that is passionate about community and youth development. While Metropolitan can influence the person, the person influences the broader community. Our sponsorship of this initiative will hopefully enable sustainable development and employment for generations to come.

You can support the initiative by sharing the message far and wide because together we can.
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For interview opportunities please contact Aphiwe Faku on: [email protected]