Our Commitment Story

From generation to generation, to today, we’ve been committed to leaving no South African behind. We’ve learnt that when we commit to each other, to empower those who keep their people keeping on, we can achieve positive results for the life we want for ourselves, our communities and our collective.

As Metropolitan, we’ve been committed to walk the journey of financial progress with you, inspiring and activating the collective potential of our nation. We’re not observers but rather active participants who rally with you, our people and our communities, so that together, we can help you navigate the challenges you face. Why? Because when we face our challenges together, we can achieve the impossible.

So, leaning into our rich legacy and history, and drawing on our experiences and the lessons over the years, we commit to always strive to bring you award winning service and sound financial advice and solutions. We commit to supporting you through financial education and empowerment initiatives and programmes. We commit to equipping you with the right tools and skills so that together we can be the change we want to see in our own lives and the lives of those we hold near and dear to our hearts.


Actions speak louder with commitment

Commitment isn’t dead. As Metropolitan, we commit to not just saying we’re with you, we commit to showing you that we understand your challenges and we are committed to being on your team. From helping marginalised communities buy their own homes, to rallying with our people and their collectives to secure their financial futures, we understand that real progress is helping you progress.

It starts with us coming together and ensuring that no one is left behind. We’ve been committed since 1898 and we’ll continue ensuring financial progress for all South Africans; one attainable step at a time, into the next 125 years.

#WeAreCommitted  #TogetherWeCan

Commitment Stories

Our commitment story is clear, so we went and found South Africans who stay the course and show commitment in their own way, in their daily lives.

Principal Ntombela.

The Mally Family

Tumelo Phoolo.

Fundi Leather

Book iBhoni